Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Space Cadets

The incomparable Sebastian Pruiti broke down the X's and O's behind the Knicks offensive struggles this season over at Grantland today. He made many of the points we have been making at Knicks Bricks all season, namely, that the addition of Tyson Chandler to the fold has brought a second defender over to help on erstwhile Carmelo and Amar'e isolations (are they isolations when they're not isolated anymore?), leading to a clogged lane and general lack of proper spacing. As Pruiti explains: "So far, the Knicks offense has looked disorganized and random, with players just floating around. Under these circumstances, Chandler naturally gravitates toward the rim, which clogs the lane and forces Stoudemire to rely on jumpers."

We couldn't agree more. However, Pruiti adds two things that Knicks Bricks cannot provide: 1) pictures and video because the writers here have the technological know-how of the average veteran of the Spanish-American War, and 2) some solutions on how to get Amar'e the ball in better positions to score while Chandler is on the floor. This article gets the highest recommendation.

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